Welcoming a New Year at Let.Live: A Time for Reflection, Renewal, and Action As the final days of the year draw to a close, we at Let.Live find ourselves in a reflective state, looking back on the year gone by and envisioning the path ahead. The […]
Navigating the TikTok Ban Proposition: Upholding Let.Live’s Principles of Freedom and Innovation The recent government proposition to ban TikTok has sparked a significant conversation about the delicate balance between national security and individual liberties. At Let.Live, we firmly believe in the principles of freedom, innovation, and […]
The term “GSM,” which stands for Gender and Sexual Minorities, is considered by some as a more inclusive and efficient alternative to the expanding acronym LGBTQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, and more). Here are a few reasons why GSM might be seen as a […]
People who interact with you should know that derogatory slurs like the N or F word have no place in your presence. It's about creating an environment where racial, gender, and sexual minorities feel safe, respected, and protected.
It's not about being against structure or rules but advocating for frameworks that empower rather than constrict.
The sad irony is that the bright light of American liberty, which once made tyrants across the world scurry like cockroaches, might be dimmed by our very own actions.
Is true justice possible when certain entities remain untouchable? Dive into the compelling argument for ending sovereign immunity and discover how it could reshape our society,
Free healthcare from governmental and monopolistic clutches and watch it soar to its true potential.
The existence of such specialized spaces in our neighborhoods underscores the principles of Let.live: Consent Culture, Tolerance and Change