Former President Jimmy Carter departs after attending the funeral service for his wife, Rosalynn Carter, at Maranatha Baptist Church, in Plains, Ga., Nov. 29, 2023. AP Photo/John Bazemore
Embracing Compassion and Choice: The Let.Live Philosophy and the Death with Dignity Movement In the journey of life, the manner of its closing chapters holds profound significance. The Death with Dignity movement, advocating for the right to choose a dignified and peaceful end to one’s life […]
A Roadmap to Accessible Education In recent years, the landscape of higher education financing has undergone significant shifts, with one of the most notable changes being the repeal of the tuition and fees deduction in 2021. This alteration, brought about by theTaxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax […]
There is no conversation about consent that is inappropriate, and we should welcome conversations about what constitutes a consensual activity.
...the path to liberation is not just about celebrating past victories. It's an ongoing struggle against systemic inequalities, gender biases, and discrimination that persist across the globe...
As we approach the close of Black History Month, it's a poignant time for reflection—not just on the achievements and struggles of African Americans but on the enduring significance of why we dedicate this month to such a vital part of our collective history.
Welcoming the Lunar New Year: A Time for Renewal and Unity As the vibrant festivities of the Lunar New Year unfold, we at Let.Live extend our warmest wishes to everyone celebrating this auspicious occasion around the globe. Marking the beginning of the lunar calendar, the Lunar […]
Celebrating Black History Month: Frederick Douglass and the Principles of Let.Live February marks Black History Month, a time dedicated to honoring the significant contributions, achievements, and history of African Americans. It is a period of reflection, education, and celebration of the resilience and cultural heritage that […]
Controlling immigration because of welfare abuse is like controlling guns because of mass shootings. Liberty is for the free.
Due Process is often under threat, sometimes subtly, under the guise of addressing emergencies or safeguarding the public.