We've had movements against sugar, against pop music, against socks with sandals, and – hold onto your berets – even against quiche!
What's the difference between a cat and a sentence? A cat has claws at the end of its paws and a sentence has a pause at the end of its clause.
The tech industry has been caught in a storm stirred up by the proposed Online Safety Bill in the UK. Notable giants like Apple, WhatsApp, and Signal are up in arms, asserting that this new legislation threatens the security of popular messaging apps, endangers users’ privacy […]
There is no cause that is not more effective when it is advocated for by compassionate people.
One of the most hotly debated topics globally, especially in the realm of politics, is healthcare. The notion of “free healthcare” often creates an appealing mental image – a system where everyone receives the medical attention they need without worry of financial burden. Yet, the term […]
Defending privacy isn't about defending crime; it's about preserving an intrinsic human right. There's no doubt that effective law enforcement is critical for societal stability, but the question we must grapple with is how far is too far? The right to privacy should not become collateral damage in the quest for security.
Thursday at 3:10pm in room 202/203. All attendees will be registered for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to Cabela's